The landlord says your rent is late
I briefly mentioned rent in my last post but I have more to say on this topic and decided it needed a post of its own. At this point its probably important to know a bit about my housing situation. I live alone in a private rented property, I know what you must be thinking, how can I have a private rented property when I am on benefits? Its OK I get it, so let me explain. I moved into this property while I wqe in full time employment. At that time I never expected I would have to leave my job and I certainly didn't have a few months to move before I started my claim for universal credit. My rent is £400 a month, it was always paid on time in full when I was working but since I've been on UC its been a problem to keep it that way. You see my housing benefit is £200 that is the maximum amount I can have. The first thing I did was online researchresearch, I went onto the gov.UK website - housing benefit section. After having a read on there I found what I was looking for,...