About this Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog,  I'm 23, live in England and claim Universal credit. The purpose of this blog is to share my personal experience on Universal credit to give a bit of insight what life on benefits is really like.
I will try and give as much detail and information as possible so you can get the full picture. I will be telling my story in several posts, the first ones being about when I first started my claim and things that have happened up till now, May 2018.
I will be doing brief daily updates on this blogs twitter account @barelylife. Most tweets will have a full more in depth post, sort of like a diary, providing a better explanation here on the blog.
Be sure to follow the twitter account and check back here for updates. 
You can also contact me by sending me a tweet over on the twitter account or by email at barelysurvivinglifeonuc@gmail.com
More posts coming soon!
Thanks for reading


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